Feb 11, 2012

Queen For A Day Visits and Fashion Shows!

       Talk about a fun filled day! Yesterday I had the privilege of speaking to 3 different elementary school groups of girls about the upcoming Queen for a Day! I told them all about the Queen for A Day activities and also taught them a fun way to remember all of the four points of the Miss America crown! It's a cheer that incorporates Service, Style, Scholarship, and Success in addition to becoming your best at Queen for A Day! A lot of the girls really loved it and I hope they all can come join me March 3rd! The younger girls kept asking me if I was a real princess... and whenever a little girl asks you that question there is no better feeling in the world than saying YES and watching her eyes light up!

         Last night I also had the opportunity to participate in a Girl Scout's Fashion Show! I remember back in the day when I was a girl scout... going door to door selling cookies, sewing on patches for every acheievement, and meeting new friends. Ah yes, those were the good old times. It was amazing to see how much the Girl Scouts have evolved over the years! I wish I had stayed in it longer, I only made it to a Junior, but to see these young girls brought back so many memories! The "Glamily" was invited to participate in the Orange County Girl Scout's Fashion Show this year, along with some other Miss America titleholders and even some Miss USA girls! We all wore evening gowns and performed our talents for the girl scouts, and they loved it! I performed the Italian aria "O Mio Babbino Caro" by Puccini. Stephanie Patterson, Miss South Coast, played a beautiful song on the piano. Ryan Osborn, Miss Placentia, danced her talent piece and as always it was lovely! The new Miss Placentia and Yorba Linda Teens performed in addition to Miss L.A County's Teen!
         Then our very own Katie Wayland, Miss Orange County, sang the popular song "Firework" to which all of the titleholders came on-stage and clapped and sang along in the background. Suddenly, something amazing happened! One by one the young girls started coming on-stage with us and the whole song turned into a huge dance party with everyone singing as loud as they could! It gave me chills and made me so happy to be a part of this program! We really connected with those young ladies and I hope one day they participate in the Miss America program, they definitely already have hearts of gold!

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