Feb 10, 2012

Orange Rotary!

        Yesterday was such a fun event! I was invited to sing love songs for the Orange Rotary's Valentine's Day meeting! I decided to sing "If I Loved You," from Carousel, and also "I Could Have Danced All Night," from My Fair Lady. I absolutely love those songs and they are so much fun to perform. Before the meeting I asked Rotarian John Burt who would be some fun gentlemen that I could sing and dance with. The men he pointed out were past leaders in the Rotary, and the President's husband! Might I add very fun to interact with, they are such good sports!

         My boyfriend's grandfather was there because he is the official photographer for the Rotaries in the area. He loves to dance! So, naturally he and I were dancing together while I sang! Everyone really enjoyed it and they have invited me back to sing and dance anytime! I even had the opportunity to speak to them about Queen for A Day and invited them to spread the word to any young girls who would be interested. I think I got some bites! Yay!

        The other guests they had were some of the members from Orange Lutheran High School's choirs. They even brought the two leads in their Spring musical Oklahoma! They both sang beautifully and I am already keeping my eyes open on girls to compete for Miss Orange next year! Lutheran High School is such a talented place, even our own Miss Orange County, Katie Wayland came from that school!

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