Feb 12, 2012

Olive Little League Opening Ceremony!


          The grass was cut, the lines were chalked, and the bases were ready to be loaded. Not even a little bit of rain could prevent this big game day from happening! That's right you guessed it... Olive Little League is back and ready for action!!! I was invited to the opening ceremony for the Little League and sang the National Anthem at the beginning of their fun ceremony. I've always wanted to sing at a baseball game, so singing on their pitcher's mound was a great place to start! All of the little kids gathered in their teams and marched in a mini-parade as part of the ceremony as their names were announced. The littler ones had a  great time interacting with me, while the older kids (10-12 yrs) were acting shy when I said hi and cheered for them. Naturally I blew them kisses and their friends started giggling. I loved it! The Olive Little League also has a division for kids with special needs called the Challengers. There weren't many of them there due to the rain earlier in the morning, too bad :( I told the director that I definitely wanted to come to some of their games and cheer them on!

     Another guest they had there was Clyde Wright, a retired professional baseballer who played for the Angels. He was hilarious, and I loved his Midwestern accent! He was a guest speaker and spoke to the little league players about teamwork and the love of the game. Such an amazing man! He even invited my chaperone Danae Thompson and myself  to come visit him at the Angel's stadium anytime! We will definitely take him up on that offer! 
Love this kid! Look how funny he is!!!!
Cheering on my teams!

Clyde decided to put his sign behind our car, so when I left I put both of ours behind his!

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