Jan 28, 2012

Orange High School Choir Benefit

When I was asked to help with the Orange High School Choir it brought back so many memories of when I was in High School choirs and we were raising money to travel all over the world. I was a member of the Cincinnati's Children's Choir for 2 years and the Los Robles Children's Choir in Thousand Oaks, Ca for 6 years! In addition to that I did also did my High School choir at Oaks Christian and was even a member of Chapman University's choir for a few years. I guess you could say I am a choir member expert and I felt connected to what the Orange Choir was trying to accomplish. 

Their goal is to raise $500,000 to send 52+ high school kids on a European choir tour that would give them amazing opportunities to sing in famous Cathedrals and locations. They plan to travel to Vienna, Prague, Saltzberg, Paris, and maybe someplace else too? That's exciting nonetheless and I do hope they raise enough money for all of the students to attend! Looking back my travels through Europe with my choir was a wonderful experience and I would love to go back and relive many of those moments. I sure hope these kids appreciate everything they get to do and see while they are there!

My role in the benefit was to provide a little fun entertainment after the choir came and stole the show! Nice act to follow... they were great! I decided to sing Puccini's "O Mio Babbino Caro" followed by my Miss City of Orange talent "Song to the Moon" by Dvorak. I whimsically explained both pieces prior to performing and mentioned that "Song to the Moon" is in Czech. so it was fitting for their trip to Prague! 

Overall it was a very fun and successful night! I met some new and interesting people and caught up with old friends as well! There were some council members who remembered me and we chatted for a while in addition to gazing over the auction items. They had some great stuff for auction, and I was very tempted...

Oh and I almost forgot to mention, I heard they had one of the men from Storage Wars as the Auctioneer! He was speaking so fast it almost sounded like he was singing at some points! Maybe I can create a new talent out of that.... thoughts? As we left the event I slipped some of my own $$ into their donation bank, after all they did let me come for free! 

I can't wait to find out how much money they raised!!!! Go Orange Choir!!!!!

Council members Jon Dumitru and Denis Bilodeau

 With my friend Amy Clay who is a member of the Orange H.S Choir, she had a great solo!!!
One of the raffling baskets that they had color coordinated with the High School colors! 
Who would have thought that J.T Schmids in Orange had so much room for activities????

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