Jun 27, 2012

Miss CA - Day 4 (On-stage Question!)

                Today was such an exciting day! Things started off by sleeping in (always a plus) and then heading over to the theatre for lunch and dress rehearsal for night one of stage competition! Tonight I competed in the On-stage Question portion of competition which is towards the end of the night's competition. However, I will let you know that I absolutely rocked that opening number dance!!! That was probably the one thing I was most nervous about and it feels good to know I can somewhat dance. Afterwards I had a lot of down time, most of which I spent hanging out with my friends backstage and supporting one another during talent. Everyone did absolutely spectacular tonight and I am so proud of my friends! Especially my two dear friends Stephanie Patterson (Miss South Coast) and Leah Cecil (Miss Southern California Regional) who tied for best talent tonight!!! AMAZING!!!! Also, another shout out to my friend Lauren Smolka (Miss Gavillan Hills) who won tonight's evening gown! As the night of competition drew to a close I was getting ready for my OSQ. The Miss contestants had the pleasure of being asked their questions by Arianna Afsar, Miss California 2010, as we selected slips of paper from a fish bowl. My question was as follows: Do you think it is necessary to reform health care or can it wait? My answer was basically yes reform was necessary and I included references to Obamacare. I can't say the exact words but I remember it was generally that answer and I felt very good about it!!! I heard from some other people that I had one of the best answers of the night :)

             Immediately following the pageant tonight we had visitation with our families and friends. It was so nice to see my parents after a few days of basically little communication. Each contestant has a table for their friends and families and it gets to be decorated, and may I just say my parents did an absolute breath taking job at creating my table. My Dad constructed the entire centerpiece and my Mom helped decorate it and it honestly was one of the most beautiful tables there! We were able to visit for a short while before we were told we needed to get to our rooms so we can prepare ourselves for tomorrow evening's competition. Tomorrow I will be competing in evening gown :)

Laura, Katie, and I before the show!

Opening number outfits!!!!

On-stage Question!!!!
Team OC :)

My awesome table!!!
Typical ;)

All of us with our pictures provided by Walter!!!

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