Well folks, today finally came and it was an anxious but wonderful day! We started with our early morning rehearsal where we practiced pulling out girls for the top 15 and how things would be accommodated in dances. It was interesting to see who got moved where, but you couldn't really figure it out (our choreographer is that good). I was only moved a few times but I didn't let it bother me. Afterwards came the waiting game which is probably one of the most awful things because you have no idea if you should warm up your voice, stretch, sleep, do your makeup, or start working on your hair. So many things to do and you have no idea if you made it into the top 15 or beyond! Very nerve racking as you can imagine. I decided to focus on relaxing :) So I popped in my headphones and listened to some of my favorite music while slowly starting to put on my makeup. Then suddenly I felt a tap on my shoulder and Katie was trying to tell me something. I take off my headphones to find she is singing One Direction's "You Don't Know You're Beautiful" and naturally I decide to join her. We went above and beyond entertaining our area of the dressing rooms and sang loud and proud the lyrics we knew and danced on the chairs. Yes, everyone looked at us like we were crazy and one person even videotaped it (maybe I will share the link... maybe). But honestly it helped break the ice in the room and made the girls realize we should remember this is about having fun! This is one of the many things I love about Katie!
Ok now I will fast forward to the show! We performed our opening number and then immediately we began calling off the Miss California top 15 semi-finalists. My friend Laura Berger was the first name called and I had barely finished screaming and clapping for her when MY NAME WAS CALLED! Ahhhh so exhilarating!!!!! Last year my name was called second to last so I was expecting to have to wait awhile if I was even going to get in, but nope this year it was right away! My fellow top 15 ladies were Katie Wayland, Stephanie Patterson, Leah Cecil, Crystal Lee, Marina Inserra, Laura Berger, Lauren Smokla, Caylynn Simonson, Morgan Edwards, Katy Tang, Ryan Osborn, Carly Valdes, Grace Pusavat, and Sara Choi!!! These women are fantastic and it was such an honor to be side by side with them during that moment! Then we quickly ran off stage and changed into our swimsuits for our first phase of competition. My swimsuit went great and I felt stellar! After that is where things get tricky, they made a cut from the top 15 into the top 12. Instead of having us line up in our swimsuits they allowed us to change into our talent costumes before the cut (thank goodness!). I was lucky enough to make the cut and had the opportunity to perform my talent again!!!! I was so glad I had warmed up my voice earlier that day and felt ready to go! I believe I can honestly say performing "Chi il bel sogno di Doretta" tonight was the best performance I have ever done. My high notes were impeccable and reports from the audience claimed it brought tears to their eyes. I feel so accomplished because honestly I am someone who usually has terrible stage fright and it used to get the best of me, but tonight I just enjoyed singing!
Once everyone was finished performing their talents, the top 12 we were brought once again back to the stage for another elimination. This time the cut was down to the top 10! My talent performance was good enough to slide me into the next round and I could not have been any happier! I had already achieved more than I did the year prior and that was success to me. Last year was a bit different in that they only had a top 12 and didn't make any cuts until top 5, so making it through all of these new things this year was great! The new top 10 then got ready for their evening gowns and prepared for the most graceful moments of their lives. I absolutely love my evening gown, I bought it last year from Claire's Collection and it has been my favorite piece of clothing I own. I felt like a movie star. From there came the final decision, which of these young women would continue into the top 5 and answer an on-stage question? Well, unfortunately I was not one of those lucky ladies. However, I am so proud of my friends Leah Cecil, Crystal Lee, Marina Inserra, Lauren Smolka, and even Caylynn Simonson for getting into the top 5! I won't keep you hanging anymore but our new Miss California 2012 is...... LEAH CECIL!!!!!!
After the competition was the Miss California Gala where we finally were reunited with all of our family and friends after such a stressful and exciting day. I loved seeing my parents, grandparents, boyfriend, and best friends all there to greet me when I had made my entrance as a Top 10 Semi-finalist! You can then bet I ate some of the best food I could grab and yes even some dessert! Then we danced the night away and I even had the chance to speak with a few of my judges! I absolutely adore Janet Carr Terrel (a former Miss California) and she told me she would come visit me at Disneyland where I work! In addition I made a point of finding my judge Dr. Anthony Radford, an opera professor from Fresno! He said he thoroughly enjoyed my performance and encouraged me to continue studying and singing classical music. Oh and by the way, one of my judges Gene Hill told me I looked like a combination of Grace Kelly and Elizabeth Taylor and he suggested I definitely come back next year or go become a famous actress. Love him!!!! All of my judges were fabulous and they definitely picked a wonderful Miss California - Leah Cecil!
As for me? Well I am VERY happy with how much I accomplished this week and I can see how much I have grown even since last year. I am not sure yet if I will return next year to compete for my last time but I do know this, it is one of the best moments in life when you accomplish your goals and you know you did your very best!
My Dad and I entering the Miss California Gala |
Your new Miss California 2012 Leah Cecil!!! |